School of Energy and Engineering
Engineering is an ever growing field that needs engineers with a vast knowledge and skills.
You will be immersed in the multidisciplinary field of engineering by working in our specialist engineering labs, using computer simulation tools, and a mechanical and embedded system design.
Our postgraduate and undergraduate programmes include:
- Sustainable Energy Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Geotechnical and Civil Engineering
- Power and System Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Agricultural Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Computer and computer systems Engineering
- Engineering Management
- Chemical Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Material Science Engineering
School of Health Sciences
- The school of Science is a limited-access program accessible for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the field of science. Upper-division course work will consist of 30 credit hours addressing topics related to leadership and management, nursing theory, research, culture, pharmacology, community health, and population-based nursing across the lifespan. There will be one course with a lab experience and two courses with local clinical experiences
- Nursing
- Practical Nursing
- Laboratory Technology
- Public Health Administration and Management
- Radiology
School of Business
This is an exciting time to enter the business and fashion industry. The business and fashion challenges of the future encompass the rise of technology, global competition, fast-changing consumer trends and managing the entire customer experience. Our choice of business and fashion courses will equip you with all the knowledge and skills you need to pursue your career ambitions and stand out to potential employers. Whether you are joining us as an undergraduate or looking to advance your knowledge with our postgraduate programmes, our wide range of business degrees and fashion designing is sure to appeal to you.
- International Business
- Business Administration
- Agri-Business
- Business Management
- Banking and Finance
- Operations and Information System Management
- Human Resource Management
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management