- Application form duly filled to be withdrawn from the reception or Application form to be filled and submitted online at https://stalwartuniversityinstitute.com/apply-admissions-2024-2025/
- A photocopy of the diploma or secondary school result slip: Baccalaureate or GCE A level
- A photocopy of the certificate of the Probatoire or GCE O level
- A photocopy of the birth certificate
- A photocopy of the Passport (for international students) or national identity card if applicable
- A4 Envelope
- 4 coloured passport sized photos
- Medical certificate
- Proof of payment for admission application fee (20,000 F CFA)
NB :
- The originals of your documents may be requested by your department
- Apply online at https://stalwartuniversityinstitute.com/apply-admissions-2024-2025/
- Applications can be submitted online on campus and all supporting documents should be attached